Dixie Peach: Get your forks out...

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Get your forks out...

...and feel free to stab me with 'em because I'm done.

As I predicted I didn't get to bed until 3:30am and was awake again at 6:00am to get ready for the kitchen dudes. Had it been for any other reason than getting my kitchen delivered I would have skipped it.

You know for someone who really hasn't done all that much today, I'm just worn out. I'm twitching, I'm so tired. I can just imagine how the guys who actually installed the kitchen must feel.

Lots of sawing, lots of drilling, lots of hammering and other assorted deafening noises later, my kitchen is in. And it's gorgeous. It's so much more wonderful that I'd imagined it was going to be. I haven't moved anything back into the kitchen yet but I've washed it down and tomorrow I'll begin that task. I did, however, cook some Wienerwürstchen on the stove so I've begun the breaking in process. Strange feeling though. It's such a difference from my old kitchen that it feels like I'm using someone else's kitchen.

I'm looking forward to getting things put in their places and getting the kitchen decorated. This is the part to which I've been looking forward!

I'll take pictures soon. I want to get finished with the purtying-up first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I am so excited for you! And its all done, kiddo! You made it!!!

Im so sorry you are so pooped- you just take it easy and get some rest tonight, you'll probably go down like a pile of rocks tonight and saw quality zzzz's.

Im so happy for you and cant wait to see the pictures!!!

9:48 PM  

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