Dixie Peach: Enough! I surrender!

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Enough! I surrender!

Please, please don't make me do one more thing today. Not one thing.

After an incredibly crappy night's sleep I was out shopping with my MIL today. As I'm still in the throes of head-over-heels love with my kitchen I had to get some accessories and other things to enhance its loveliness. Forty-five minutes and 72€ later I ended up with some ocean scented tealight type candles in pretty blue frosted glass holders...

...allow me to veer of the subject for a moment. I just have to say that while I think these candles smell wondeful, they sure as hell don't smell like any ocean I've ever had the chance to sniff. Of course no ocean that I've ever had the opportunity to view first hand was the same delightful blue either. And so on with my list of purchases which included...

...two floral prints that I believe will go nicely over my sink, a lined basket with suede handles that is now holding my oven mitts and keeping them attractively available for me, a paper towel holder, some jars to hold pasta, and a brushed silver photo frame, which has nothing to do with the kitchen but I liked the frame.

Then it was off to the electronics store to buy a new computer. About every two years we buy a new computer. B gets to use the new one (he's the gamer in the family) and I get his hand-me-down as my primary computer. My castoff gets donated to whatever friend who happens to need a free computer. We bought B a new computer last year but recently one partition of my harddrive crapped out and we were afraid the whole thing would go at any time. Perfect excuse for B to get a new computer earlier than usual and to enjoy the better graphics on his games.

Naturally I'm the one to do all the assembly and switching around of computers. Got the new one put together (P4 650 3.4 GHz processor, 2048 MB DDR-RAM, 500 GB harddrive, nVidia GeForce 6600 256 MB DDR-RAM graphic card, DVD writer and so on and so on, blah, blah, blah - if you happen to give a rip about such things) , called our ISP to give them the new MAC address, and then started the tedious frustrating process of getting the network set up and getting both computers online at the same time. Normally this only takes maybe an hour to do but it ended up taking...well it's still going on. I took a couple breaks to go grocery shopping and again to cook supper but else we've been dicking around with the internet connection. The new computer is online, no problem - the other one just can't get online and we can't figure out what we're doing wrong. You'd think that after having done this three other times we'd have the process down but evidently that's not the case.

I just can't think about it any more tonight. I think I strained something internally.

Maybe I should go pet the kitchen again. It seems to have a calming effect. And it'll give me the opportunity to admire the sweet little CD player I picked up today for the kitchen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, heck, that is what you were up to all day! I am so glad you got a lot done and that B got his new PC! Hope he enjoys it and that you get it synched with the other one soon!

Your kitchen accessories sound wonderful!!!

Miss you, love you, smooches and hugs!

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to bed, baby girl. You have done entirely too much for anyone for a week, let alone a day.

I can't wait to see pics of the kitchen.

4:10 AM  
Blogger Kirsti said...

Pet the kitchen, knit a row or several, then go to bed. It'll all seem clearer in the morning. Hopefully!

4:55 PM  

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