Dixie Peach: And when I wasn't reading and bobbling today...

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

And when I wasn't reading and bobbling today...

...I was busy blowing my nose and feeling miserable.

My allergies have been terrible lately, mostly due to the wacky weather changes and the flying poplar tree pollen that seems to drive me insane each year, but today they seem especially bad. I woke up with a burning throat that has not stopped all day and my sinuses feel swollen on the right side which makes my ear hurt somewhat. And for the past few hours my nose has become stuffy on the right side and has been a bit runny.

In short I think my hayfever flare-up is busy turning into a sinus infection. Great. The last time I had a sinus infection I somehow passed the funk on to B and he got bronchitis. As bronchitis can be deadly to him I'm hoping to get this under control. Thankfully the doctor is scheduled to come here to see us for B's monthy check-up.

And just in case you were wondering what CD I picked, I followed the recommendations of Kirsti and Poppy and ordered from (I happened to have a gift cert from them) the CD from the fabulous singer (and lovely wife of Kirsti!), Terry Gonda! She shall no longer be known to me as just a great model for Kirsti's finished knitting projects!

But you know I'll still be buying the new White Stripes and Oasis and Coldplay CDs and starting on my Blur collection as well.


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