Just to keep you caught up
1. Oh Lord above in heaven. Those walls in my hallway are so yellow! Please, merciful Lord, please let them start looking a lot more buttery and a lot less lemony when they get good and dry and I'm not looking at them in artifical light.
2. My nose is running like a seive. And when it's not running it's so clogged up that I look like a mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger from Mississippi - and dammit, I'm normally just a knuckle-dragger from Mississippi.
3. I'm not really a knuckle-dragger. I wear high heels.
4. I'm just messing with you. I'm not a knuckle-dragger at all. And I haven't worn high heels in years. But I am from Mississippi. That part I will freely admit to.
5. You're still suspicious about the knuckle dragging part, aren't you?
6. I have mastered making bobbles and with the purchase of the 100% cotton yarn that I made today I have given myself permission to begin knitting Aibhlinn. And I have found out that while I am foolproof at bobble making, cotton yarn doesn't stretch worth a shit and knitting into the same stitch five times is a complete and total royal pain in the ass.
7. I'm also about half suspicious that I'm twisting this knitting in the round. I keep checking it and when I do the stitches are all hanging down but I'm still suspicious.
8. Please, someone tell me that when they cast on more than, say, fifty stitches that they compulsively count the stitches over and over to make sure the right amount was cast on.
9. Anyone want to guess how many times today I've counted 143 stitches?
10. I'm sick. I truly feel like death on a soda cracker. All I want to do is curl up in bed with tea and a book and read until I pass out. Instead I am faced tomorrrow with more painting 'o the yellow, a visit from the doctor (no sympathy, just prescriptions for my ailing body and a threat of a blood test just to keep me on the straight and narrow) and even if I'm still sick on Friday I won't get any peace and rest in my suffering. Friday I have to deal with the new flooring in the (terribly, terribly yellow) hallway.
11. I'm about halfway through making my bobbles and then I can start on the regular knitting part of the cowl. Only one problem. After I knit these 143 stitches and make forty-'leven bobbles I have to m1 so that I have 144 stitches. And I don't know how to do that. Hell, I just figured out how to do a bar increase, nevermind m1. I don't want to screw this up because I will have just finished making forty-'leven bobbles with the most un-stretchy cotton yarn ever produced by man and I don't want to do it again until I'm doing the final edging on the other side.
12. I see in my future me staring into my Stitch 'n Bitch book and hoping the skill will simply imbed itself into my brain.
13. Anyone want to guess how much I'm still doubting that I've actually cast on 143 stitches?
Please, someone tell me that when they cast on more than, say, fifty stitches that they compulsively count the stitches over and over to make sure the right amount was cast on.
OMG, I thought I was the only person neurotic enough to do this. Dix, we were meant to be friends. :-D
Oh, absolutely, I do that too. All the time. Counting from both ends. And double-checking my double-checks.
Yay for bobbles - that IS a real achievement, don't sell yourself short! And a make 1 increase is easy, honestly. The Stitch'n'Bitch book explains it pretty clearly. Basically, you just pick up the yarn between two stitches and twist it, so you don't get a hole underneath.
Hoping the walls dry into just the right shade...
Our bedroom is the same yellow story. We had to get approval from the church council to paint (since they own the house) and I said, "I want this nice, buttery shade of yellow." they agreed, and it was a HUGE concession, since they're normal stance on paint is: earth tones, only, please. And they translate "earth tones" to mean "white".
So I went and bought the paint. Our room is a brilliant, sunny yellow. We really like it. It isn't the buttery gold I was shooting for, but we like it. The council: less so. I'm positive they'll paint over it when we move out. The funny thing is, is when we were first looking and first decided on yellow, M picked out a color chip from Ralph Lauren. I can't remember the name of it--something like "Life Raft Yellow" and I said, "No. Too bright." But he kept the chip because he liked it. Yep. You guessed it. Our room (even though we used a totally different brand of paint) is the EXACT same color as Ralph Lauren's Life Raft Yellow.
Oh--and the casting on thing? I only obsessively count for the first few rows.
However, the other day I was knitting in an all-day meeting and I'd cast on 25 stitches (I'm making a sweet scarf for my mum usuing furry eyelash yarn for the ends instead of fringe) and because of the way the yarn was made, somehow ended up with 35 stitches. Great. I had no idea how that happened. But I just pulled it and started over. Luckily I wasn't too far along yet.
I just love knitting! Don't you? :)
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