Dixie Peach: We're back in the Land of Dull

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

We're back in the Land of Dull

Just a cloudy Wednesday here. My day consisted of:

1. Watching Le Tour de France. I watch this every year. The whole race, every stage, every day. I watch a lot of cycling throughout the season actually. I have learned more about French geography and goofy Le Tour trivia by doing this.

2. Knitting. I'm finished with both sides of the Zeeby's bag, plus the gusset and the inside pocket. I've also finished sewing in the pocket and I did the constrast stitching on the other side and all that's left is to knit the straps and sew the whole thing together.

It's not bad but honestly it's hard to tell how the whole thing is going to be until I get it sewn together. I'm really looking forward to getting it finished so I can start again knitting my Aibhlinn cowl.

3. Walking the dog. A lot. I don't know what was up her wazoo today but she wanted to go outside every couple of hours and she was sniffing the sidewalks like she was looking for the Lindbergh baby.

4. Scrubbing the soap scum out of my shower. If I'm going to have painters in my bathroom right over my shower I don't want them seeing soap scum.

Wooohooo! I'm so overcome with the non-stop thrills around here. Time to celebrate with an ice cream sandwich.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Thursday sure isnt dull!

I couldnt believe it when I heard the news this morning, feel so blessed that my family is all ok- glad they are not in downtown London, but tucked away north safe. I pray for those people who were hurt, the souls killed and for all the people now who sit worried about their loved ones...and those just trying to get home. Memory of the same here on 9/11 is all to fresh.

I hope you had a good day, though Kim- and got a lot of your knitting done!

It was so nice to chat with you this AM!

10:00 PM  

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