Dixie Peach: Packing a secret

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Packing a secret

While eating supper, B and I watched Madonna on the London stage of today's Live8 concerts. I turned to him and said, "You know there's something about these baggy white trousers of Madonna's. I don't know exactly what's going on with them but sometimes it rather looks like Madonna has a penis.".


"And now that I've noticed that I have to say that were I to pick up a newspaper tomorrow and read that Madonna has a penis, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't mean reading it on the front of a copy of the Sun or the National Enquirer. I mean reading it on the front of a reputable newspaper. With a photo. A pantsless Madonna sporting a johnson. Wouldn't shock me in the least.".

"I can see that."

"I'm not saying that I secretly believe that Madonna actually has a wiener. I'm not even saying she's masculine. I think it's just that there's nothing about Madonna that may be revealed that could be shocking. I'm not even sure there's anything left to reveal about her that could even be thought of as interesting.".

"Oh yeah there is. Just one thing."

"What's that?"

"If she had a schlong and she were uncircumcised."

Good point.

And speaking of the Live8 concerts, get involved, okay? People around the world are counting on you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was an interesting story about the concerts and the whole point of them - VH1 had some comedians commenting on the whole event and they each said the same thing: The point was to raise awareness- NOT MONEY. I understand they coordinated the event with the G8 Summit- but how about the proceeds going to THE ISSUE!

They showed the bags the performers got and a couple people said "Gee, can I have that Kiehls Sunscreen lip moisturizer- when you dont have food and drink- YOUR LIPS GET CHAPPED!".

I'll be curious how much is made and how much goes towards the issue.

7:24 PM  

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