Dixie Peach: Two weeks pass...

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Two weeks pass...

...and we have more bombs in London. Thankfully with less damage and victims but still frightning, especially to those who live there. I'm so sorry to any Londoner who has to endure this fright.

CNN International and my German 24 hour news outlets were covering the story all afternoon and well into the evening news time. Speculation as to what happened, what it means, who's responsible, comparisons to the events of two weeks ago - they had it covered from top to bottom.

Between these two bombings in London there have been suicide bombings in Iraq. In one the victims were mostly children trying to get candy from American soldiers. In another there were sixty fatalities when a bombing occured at a gasoline station. Were they covered by the news? Yes. For a couple of minutes and it was done with the sort of "...and there was another bombing in Iraq" attitude that sounded quite "same shit, different day".

Hours stretching into days of coverage has been devoted to the London bombings. Outrage expressed by world leaders, moments of silence held, websited started and dedicated to establishing the stance that we shall not be conquered by terrorists. Bombings in Baghdad are treated like a blip on the world consciousness radar.

Am I saying that we need to devote less time and concern and coverage to terror strikes when they happen in London or Madrid or New York or any other western society target? Treat them with less concern? Not letting our hearts be wrenched by the stories of the victims and not have sympathy for those trying to keep living under the cloud of fear? I'm absolutely not saying that. I don't think it is too much and maybe it's really not enough. I don't begrudge a minute of the coverage nor a single tear shed nor one line of sympathetic words. If anything I'm saying that we need to get as concerned and as outraged and as upset and as heartbroken over the Iraqis being terrorized on a daily basis as we are when those who live in Europe or the US are. Maybe we need to hold moments of silence for them every day that it happens and dedicate hours of new coverage to those people. If we do then maybe the rest of the world will be reminded to see the victims of terror in Iraq as more than just blank faces that flit onto our TV screen for a couple seconds and we'll remember that they're people with families and lives just like the people in London. Maybe then we'll get more dedicated about fighting it in both places.


Blogger BarefootCajun said...

Preach it. sister, preach it.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kim. I think about this often, but I'm glad you voiced it. Thanks for putting it into words so beautifully and clearly.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep. pretty much. although...let the BBC coverage stay. it's a lifeline when it happens. you have no idea what's going on except through what the BBC tells you. it's quite a weird thing.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Dixie said...

Oh I don't think there should be less coverage of what's going on in London. Not at all. It's damned important and we need to hear about it if for nothing else than because it's simply closer to us but to pass off suicide bombings in Baghdad with the ho-hum attitude it's being given is tragic. It just seems crazy that dozens can die in a week there and no one gives it much thought.

11:04 PM  

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