How to have a frenzy
Just follow these simple steps:
- Knit while watching a movie on TV.
- Pay more attention to the movie than the knitting.
- When reaching the end of the row, notice that you're knitting three stitches instead of the three purled stitches the pattern calls for.
- Mutter "shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit" for at least 90 seconds.
- Search back through the row for the mistake.
- Find the mistake, in this case six stitches purled instead of three, about 60 stitches back.
- Imagine frogging work. Imagine beating your head against a wall.
- Begin process of unknitting. Miss end of movie you were watching.
- Get back to error, begin to reknit.
- Notice that when you unknit that you got the stitches on backwards. Stop and turn stitch before knitting it.
- Get halfway through row and notice stitch marker laying on coffee table. Realize that since you are knitting in the round without a marker you now don't know where the row ends.
- Mutter "shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit" for at least 2 minutes. Increase volume after 1 minute.
- Search row and find where you have four knit stitches together. Believe this is the end of the row.
- Mutter "Okay, I started with three knits and here are four wait I ended with three knits but I unknit them so this isn't the right spot oh wait the last row ended with one knit yes there's three purls and then one knit and these three are the first knits of the new row OH THANK YOU GOD!
- Be thankful you use a hoop earring for a stitch marker and can just open it up and slip it on the correct spot.
- Finish knitting row correctly. Begin the next. Wipe panic sweat from brow.
This same exact thing happened to me Sunday while working on E's Wavy scarf. I purled when I should have knitted somewhere and dropped a stitch to boot. I frogged at least three times before I got it all right. Argh!!!
you should think about taking a xanax before you start knitting. i'm concerned, dix. concerned.
also, you too barefoot. don't think i can't read.
i thought knitting was supposed to relax you.
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