Dixie Peach: Sweetheart, I love you...

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Sweetheart, I love you...

...but could you please stop yapping while I'm knitting? It's not like I haven't talked to you before about this. I've asked more than once that you not talk to me when I'm knitting and to please at least wait until I'm at the end of a row. I've made it simple for you. I've told you what to look for. When you see the needles waving and hear them clicking and see yarn flowing through my fingers, don't talk to me. When you see the movement stop, then you can talk. Talking while I'm knitting is allowed when you're sick or bleeding. And it had better be a lot of blood.

I had time this afternoon to really get going on my Wavy scarf. It's not complicated but you have to pay attention to the pattern. This scarf is all about the pattern so if you mess it up, forget it.

And so of course this is the time that B thinks we should chat about trivial things. I'm trying to see if I should be knitting or purling the next stitch and he's rattling on about whether our characters in Sacred should try to take on the big dragon in the desert and that he's found this sword and that piece of armor and we need to tranfer the weapons our characters have found and blah, blah, blah. I'm trying to be attentive and listen to him. I'm trying to follow a knitting pattern.

I am not gifted enough to do both.

More rambling from him, more "uh huh, uh huh"-ing from me and I realize that I've gotten off pattern. Now I have to listen and pay half attention to this fairly unimportant conversation while I'm trying to unknit a couple rows and that's when it all goes to shit. I drop stitches, I twist stitches - the whole scarf turns into an unholy mess. Makes my Zeeby's bag look like textbook knitting.

I hate to fuss at B. He's a good man and a sweet person and to holler at him or even get a little angry with him is hard. Jumping in his shit about something is akin to kicking a puppy, however, at that point I wanted to do painful things to him with those 5mm knitting needles.

Instead I glared at him, pulled the needles out of the work, frogged the scarf, wound up the yarn, put the point protector and row counter back in the pouch where I store them, folded up the pattern, shoved the needles into the skein of yarn and left the room, all without saying a word.

He definitely got the hint.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all sounds a bit dangerous for B's health- I m glad he finally got the hint! lol!

If you need me to come over and get him, I will. :)


12:06 AM  
Blogger Dixie said...

I knew you would stick up for him! I knew it! I knew it! I even told him that you would!

B said "That's a good offer!"

You two!

12:49 AM  
Blogger BranV said...

I am EXACTLY the same way when I am typing something: whether it's email or blog, or whaddevah. I usually have whole paragraphs stored in my head as soon as I begin to type, I have my timing planned out...talking to me is something like pressing delete on all that. DH should know...the raged out look I send him should make his testes crawl up his rear. Now I just hold my hand up when a single sound starts to emerge, and he shuts up quickly.

But he's still not all there about it. I even once tried sharing with him the the story about Coleridge being interrupted from his post smack enduced sleep/hallucination (ok, mebbe not Smack, but I can't remember what) writing inspiration that begat Kubla Kahn. That was totally f'd up by some jackass knocking on the door. Not that I'm Coleridge...or a drug addict...but I'm trying to drive home what havoc an interruption can cause a creative streak. Still didn't sink in until I said "how do you feel when I try to talk to you while you're playing 'Medal of Honor'?" CLICK!!!

You have my condolences Dixie, you really really do.

3:27 AM  
Blogger meelo said...

1. what (besides mayonnaise) do you miss the most about the u.s?

2. what's your favorite animal?

3. what's the most exciting thing you've ever done/seen?

4. what's the most outrageous thing you've ever done for love?

5. when you shower, do you sing?

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, bless his peapickin' heart.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, after my knitting lesson last night, I learned that I cannot knit and talk- or even really listen! Every time I tried, I lost or gained a stitch. So, although at first I might have thought you were picking on B, I now firmly agree with you- don't talk to me when I am knitting!

5:43 PM  

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