Give it to me straight
Tell me the truth. Really. I can take it.
I'm going to hell for eating pepperoni pizza Hot Pockets and liking them. Right?
Cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Tell me the truth. Really. I can take it.
As Sunday is our sixth wedding anniversary I'll go to my lovesong/ballads folder and dedicate this shuffle to the love of my life.
I picked the perfect guy for me to marry.
Welfare Queen to be exact. I find she generally has some of the more high quality memes to swipe. Plus it's an ordinary Thursday, the most exciting thing I've done all day is buy yogurt (I know I bought some yesterday but...), and it's either this or I swipe another one of her ideas and do Thursday Refrigerator Blogging.
Mmmm...lemons. I love lemons. Lemon yogurt, lemon candies, lemon cake, muffins, pie, ice cream. Just lemons themselves. I have been known to eat a lemon or two on occasion. Chilled first, of course.
Dining: Tuna steaks seasoned with Tony Chachere's creole seasoning, rice and steamed mixed vegetables.
Should I take it personally that the old man passing me on the street farted so loudly it scared my dog?
Zoe tagged me and being that she's an honest lady she freely admitted that she stole this meme from someone else. Eh. If she couldn't remember who she swiped it from their blog is likely not memorable enough to credit anyway.
It's been an excellent twenty-four hours around here.
A comment that Ashley made (and why haven't you read her blog yet? she's fabulous!) got me to thinking more about what we pass down to others. What sorts of things do we give to others that proves to at least someone that we were once alive and living here on earth.
Here's my Wavy scarf about a third finished:
In honor of the 30th anniversary of me seeing Springsteen in concert for the first time (I don't remember that it was this date but it was summer and it was 1975) I'm dipping into my Springsteen folder, shuffing, and dumping out these ten...
And that's why he's The Boss.
My phone just rang.
...and we have more bombs in London. Thankfully with less damage and victims but still frightning, especially to those who live there. I'm so sorry to any Londoner who has to endure this fright.
It's crap weather here today so I indulged myself by sleeping in an extra hour. While sleeping I thought I heard kids hollering and playing but knew it couldn't be from outside because of it puking rain. I later chalked it up to perhaps dreaming it but later when my MIL came by she told us we're getting new neighbors in the empty apartment under us. A ha! That must be what I heard and they evidently have a passle of kids.
I was once asked to give one word that would describe my childhood and I believe at the time I said something like "hectic" but thinking back on it I would say either "chaotic" or simply "loud".
...Harry Potter would obsess my life more than he does now. And topping my current obsession is really saying something.
For a few days summer weather will be on hold here. Wet, chilly weather will be with us and that's probably going to be a blessing for me because bad weather gets me in the mood to be all housewifey. I'm in dire need of catching up on some neglected housekeeping but I've been pretty glued to reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I read and read whenver I get the chance then in the late evening I get online and play Sacred for a couple hours. Both my forest elf and my seraphim are starting to kick ass.
You know that anxious, tense feeling you get when you're in a situation that makes you extremely, extremely uncomfortable? It's exactly how I feel whenever I have to drive my MIL somewhere. know the point of Dove using regular women in their advertisting. I can appreciate their making all women feel as though they too can look good and be considered beautiful.
Turn on that music maker, set to shuffle, tell the first ten it spits out...
Very shaken, not stirred.
Best day I've had in a while actually.
Questions for Miz:
Questions for Kara:
1. You are required to serve jury duty. What sort of criminal case would you pick?
2. If you needed to cut out one indulgence to save money, which would go?
3. Did you ever accidentally call a teacher "Mom"?
4. What's the most outlandish thing you've ever done or said in order to get out of trouble?
5. Pick a year of your life that you'd like to relive and tell me why.
Questions for the Barefooted One:
1. We know your dislike for footware. What place would you never consider even for a moment to go barefoot?
2. Did you ever have the standard Catholic girl fantasy of becoming a nun?
3. Corky's or The Rendezvous?
4. Would you rather do forever all your shopping online only but always find exactly what you want or would you rather do all your shopping in regular stores only forever but only find what you want 50% of the time?
5. Have you ever called your huband by another man's name? By accident, of course...
Questions for Katya:
1. What childrens book could you read and enjoy today?
2. You're going to be in an isolation chamber for one year. You can have either an endless supply of CDs or an endless supply of books. Which do you take?
3. What do you believe is the most important mechanical invention in the last 1000 years?
4. You have to make a road trip from Mobile to Dallas in August - pick your travelmate: A hairy man with BO, a colicky baby, an old woman who must stop to pee every 25 minutes.
5. Which movie have you seen more than all others?
Questions for Zoe:
1. You are going to live in a foreign country for two years. Which country will you pick and why?
2. Jose Mourinho has asked you to dinner - strictly platonic of course. What will you wear and what sort of restaurant will you choose for dinner?
3. If you were forced to pick a career for your son, which would you pick for him?
4. You get to follow a band around for the duration of their European tour dates. Which band are you following and will you make an attempt to actually meet up with the band?
5. You are given the opportunity to do one of the following - which do you pick? A Saturday morning lie-in, lunch with one girlfriend, a night out with your best friends, or a facial and a manicure.
Here's how it works:
...but could you please stop yapping while I'm knitting? It's not like I haven't talked to you before about this. I've asked more than once that you not talk to me when I'm knitting and to please at least wait until I'm at the end of a row. I've made it simple for you. I've told you what to look for. When you see the needles waving and hear them clicking and see yarn flowing through my fingers, don't talk to me. When you see the movement stop, then you can talk. Talking while I'm knitting is allowed when you're sick or bleeding. And it had better be a lot of blood.
After weeks of work (read: days of work that I spread over weeks) I finished the Zeeby's bag. It's pathetic! Really, for the most part it's not that bad but there are some pretty big flaws in the construction.
In short, this bag is ridiculous looking. I should probably take a picture but don't wish to create undue hysterical laughing at what I've created and I also don't want to embarrass the shit out of myself.
All I can figure that that I should in the future:
Will I frog it? Probably not. It wasn't super great yarn and it was dirt cheap. Will I attempt the bag again? Sure. I'm not going to have taken all this effort and let it go to waste. It's an ugly ass attempt at a bag but it's also a learning experience.
In the meantime I've started knitting the Wavy scarf. Maybe I should try the bag again but I hate to plunge into knitting the same thing again right after completing a project plus the scarf has the added advantage of having me get used to a wavy/swirling rib before I launch into knitting Aibhlinn. I am not going to screw that up again after doing the bobbles for a third time.
I should really take a picture of this wad of yarn that I laughingly refer to as a bag, shouldn't I? At least I didn't bother to sew on the straps. I can keep the straps for the time I knit the bag again because I have more of the same yarn. Luckily, lots more.
I don't love them as much as I love The Beatles, but I love me some Rolling Stones. I have a memory of being seven years old and hearing that Brian Jones had died and being sad about it.
I'll dedicate this shuffle by these Londoners to the people of London as they heal.
The fear that clenches your heart when you hear of yet another terror attack never lessens. It's still as powerful and aching as it was on 9/11 or when you heard of the attacks in Bali or Tunesia or Madrid. And today with the bombings in London the fear that gives way to anger is as fresh as ever.
Just a cloudy Wednesday here. My day consisted of:
As I was fixing to go grocery shopping I heard a gawdawful banging from the apartment above me. I can understand that everyone needs to do maintenence work in their apartments so I wasn't angry at the Louds for that particular noise. This is nothing but normal apartment life.
While eating supper, B and I watched Madonna on the London stage of today's Live8 concerts. I turned to him and said, "You know there's something about these baggy white trousers of Madonna's. I don't know exactly what's going on with them but sometimes it rather looks like Madonna has a penis.".
I slept in late this morning and didn't get started making breakfast until after 11am. I'd just put the kettle on to boil when a package was delivered. And by God I was excited because it was from Sally.
In honor of my "I love England!" day, today's shuffle is pulled from my British Pop folder.
It's almost like watching Top of the Pops.